Sunday, February 8, 2009

Cup 'o Joe

Sitting in the chair looking toward the backdoor. Blog spot. Grande. Favorite spot.
The bags hold recycle items.

My spoon collection. Ok so I love kitch, old stuff, junk to some. I just like it.

The Java Station. An OLD store coffee grinder found in a junk store. It works and lights up when you turn it on. It reads: Brew The Perfect Cup--Grind to your liking. Remember these from stores? Coffee brewer. Brews in 30 seconds, water is always hot. Fresh ground coffee and a selection of cafe stuff espresso machine and all. We'll have a cup waiting for you Jim.


  1. Well, you certainly have the coffee covered! Love the pix of your house and a spoon collection! How cool is that?
    Nice you have a willing dog model at your service, no?

  2. Hi Joanne,

    Glad you like the pictures and the peek into my place in the South. Connie
